Brock Davis, Feb. 16: Horse, 2009
• Minneapolis exhibition: Brock Davis: Make Something Cool Every Day, opens May 1 at Creative Electric Studios at the California Building. Prep for it with this interview ROLU's Matt Olson did with Davis.
• Minneapolis exhibition: Wing Young Huie's six-mile outdoor photographic exploration The University Avenue Project launches May 1.
• Slideshow: Lawrence Weiner's LOT-EK-designed West Village home (note the windows made from reused truck bodies.)
• RIP Leslie Buck, designer of New York's iconic Anthora cardboard coffee cup.
• Odd urbanism idea of the day: In northeast England's North Tyneside, officials are planning on installing fake fronts on some of the borough's 140 shuttered shops to lessen the visual impact of the recession and, hopefully, attract new business. Via Social Design Notes.
• Artworld Salon's András Szántó: "The New York Times today reported the incomes of cultural leaders. Look for the imminent brouhaha about how much some directors are making... The real issue with nonprofit compensation, I believe, lies not at the executive, but at the mid-management level, and at the lowest rungs of arts organizations."
• Beetle Cam: A remote-control buggy with a camera mounted on top for wildlife photography. Beats catching the plague immersed in an African mudpit.
• Two nice musings by No Caption: "English: The International Language of Police Power" and "A Second Look: The Warrior Child"
• Journalist and Utne Reader editor Jeff Severns Guntzel's story "Bagdhad. Finished." debuted on Cell Stories, but now is viewable here.
• Your moment of rectum-shaped bar, a "multi-functional, real, oversized anal orifice" and walk-in sculpture by Dutch art collective Atelier van Lieshout.