Valerie Hegarty's Rothko Sunset (Thanks, Kristina)
• Fascinating: "Occult Symbolism in Corporate Logos," Part 1 & Part 2. Via Agenda Inc.
• Rest in peace, Roy DeCarava, a photographer whose images of the African American community sought to capture "not the famous and the well known, but the unknown and the unnamed, thus revealing the roots from which spring the greatness of all human beings."
• What I gave 250 words to, Minneapolis artist and SELLOUT Gallery co-founder Ruben Nusz dedicates hundreds of words to -- Rob Fischer's solo show at Franklin Art Works, which closes tomorrow.
• The Chicago Tribune's Blair Kamin reports that the city has demolished a Walter Gropius–codesigned building at the former Michael Reese Hospital campus; it's the first Gropius project destroyed anywhere in the world in decades, according to Grahm Balkany, head of the Gropius in Chicago Coalition.
• After getting spoofed by the Yes Men over its opposition to climate-change legislation, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce got the group's internet service provider to shut down a fake Chamber website it was running. And now they're suing.
• R. Crumb's history of women and his book of Genesis.
• The Sistine Chapel ceiling, Second Life edition.
• Your moment of paper Nikes. Also, Run DMC: The Musical!