She continues:
I hoped for the best, but never expected the result to be this positive! The judge completely anulled the court order from January 27th, so now I don't have to pay the fine of 485.000 Euros anymore. I am also free to show Darfurnica and Simple Living [the image that was the subject of Vuitton's 2008 lawsuit against her].
It has been a hard and intensive time, and I am pleased that it is over. The good thing about the legal case is, that Darfurnica got much more attention, and therefore the situation in Darfur got more attention. I hope that my painting has inspired some some debate about media and priorities.
I am also very grateful from all the support I have been receiving from all over the world, especially from Darfurian people who reached out to me.
Today is a great day for art. If I had lost this, I believe it would have caused many artists to censor their own work to avoid legal trouble. Now we have won back our freedom to make reference to the modern society we live in.
wonderful news :)
Just awesome! You deserved that win :D
Congratulations on your win to raise awareness of the needs of the forgotten children of Darfur. I am so impressed at your campaign and would love to talk to you! I founded KIDS FOR KIDS to help children living in remote villages because of meeting a little 9 year old who was walking SEVEN hours to reach water - inexcusable when there is water under Darfur if you can afford to dig for it. Please check us out - www.kidsforkids.org.uk - and please do get in touch - patricia@kidsforkids.org.uk
Great art! This is exactly what artists should do! Will you join my Drawn...to Darfur celebrity campaign please?!
Patricia Parker
Congratulations with the glorious victory of freedom over rule by expensive lawyers! One may like or dislike the message of your work (I find it a bit sanctimonious, to be honest), but that is entirely separate from your right to make it, which should never have been in doubt in the first place.
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