
Two things about the Rove scandal:
1. It's part of a broader problem in the Bush administration about truth-telling. Recall that this whole thing got started when Joe Wilson came back from Niger to privately refute the administration's claim that Saddam Hussein had purchased yellowcake uranium for weaponry. Plame's name entered into it, many say, because Bush and Rove wanted to punish Wilson for going public with his doubts about the yellowcake claims, which Bush repeated in his State of the Union address. The little lie Rove and Co. have been telling--that Rove knew nothing of the Plame leaker--distracts from this bigger lie: one of trumped up WMD evidence that landed us, ultimately, in this war.
2. The affair offers a test of the White House's ethics: while they may have lied through their teeth--about WMD, about when Bush and Blair conspired to go to war, about who blew Plame's cover--they now face that dreaded "waffler" label. Will, as Bush and Scott McClellan promised, the White House fire the leaker? Will McClellan be strung up for his inconsistency?

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