
The world loves us, but by "us" they don't mean George W. Bush. A new study in 10 countries shows overwhelming support for the American people, John Kerry, Starbucks, and McDonalds, but very little love for our president. The lone dissenter: Israel.

Speaking of dissent: "It is self-evident that everyone has certain unalienable rights endowed by the Creator, and that among these are the right to his/her own conscience and the right to pursue his/her sense of justice. Whenever in the field of politics the party to which he has belonged, and that party’s president, become destructive of his vision of what is not only right and fair but also good for our future, it is his duty to call the tune as he hears it. When that future is endangered by the present policies of the administration, it is time to act. The record of this incumbent president is a history not only of repeated violations of the key principles underlying our democracy, but of the core values of the Christian faith to which he claims commitment. Let his actions be stated candidly." So writes retired Republican three-time judge Robert L. Black in a piece that enumerates George W. Bush's failings as president.

Where are the free-speech conservatives now? Pro-Sinclair Republicans are decrying Democrats who wish to prevent the airing of anti-Kerry flick "Stolen Honor" on the grounds that it's a free speech issue (it is, but Democrats are actually taking issue with Sinclair's apparent violation of federal elections rules), but they're characteristically silent about the free speech assault in another case: the FBI shut down two internet servers for the independent media network Indymedia without filing a single charge. More than 20 sites that provide grassroots reporting around the world have been silenced by the unexplained raid. Take action here.

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