
Debate 1.1: Damn, this is ugly. Bush is savaging Kerry with harsh accusations, vast generalizations, and ad hominem attacks that have no basis in evidence. Kerry on the other hand really is listing off, as Bush says, "a littany of complaints." Dude needs to sprinkle barbs in among the broader communication of his vision.

Bush says he hasn't taken his eyes off of bin Laden, yet in March 2002 he said, "I truly am not concerned about him."

Bush says he doesn't want the government meddling in how people live their lives, yet he's for the Patriot Act which includes provisions that allow law enforcement to snoop into library records and financial records without evidence of terrorist involvements.

Bush says he doesn't want activist judges to make decisions like whether marriage is a bond between a man and a woman only, yet he's fine with activist judges installing him as president.

Bush is the one out of the mainstream: "The buggy and horse days"? Is that like "the internets"?

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