
Rightroots: Mired in misery.

Thomas Fuchs' reconfigured GOP logos have some unintended competition--from the rightwing blogosphere. Trying to build a netroots of its own, the right launches its new effort with this logo, which turns the already less-than-nimble GOP elephant into an even less dextrous, root-footed creature:

I get the intended metaphor, but it's even easier to see an alternative one: If you thought the party that led us into unending war and a record-breaking deficit can't change... you're right.

"Rightroots: Rooted in the same-old same-old."

Or maybe you've got a better tagline?


  1. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Rightroots: Immobilized by Compassion

    Rightroots: Rooted in Regression

    Rightroots: Grasping, Ossified, Puerile

    Rightroots: It's Alive!

    Rightroots: We Need to Wash Our Feet

  2. those things comin' out my feets is death vines.

  3. A complete guide to elephant foot care.

    via Pinkmoose (who should really get an RSS feed).

  4. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Looks like rivulets of blood to me.

    Rightroots: Gushin' Olloverthe Place (GOP)

  5. Rightroots: Out of Sight, Out of Mind

  6. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Rightroots: Simply Entrenched
    Rightroots: Quagmire Anthropomorphized
