
Rest in Peace, Jane: In death as in life, Jane Burrows Buffet of Madison, Wisconsin, was no fan of George W. Bush. She succumbed to cancer on September 25, and her obituary read, in part:
Jane was a woman of many hats. She was an English teacher (and later a tutor), a mediator/arbitrator for the State of Wisconsin, a homemaker and a gardener. She was a tireless advocate for good things like grammar, grandchildren, justice and other growing things. This fiery woman could make an impression on a person, and the family is endeavoring to make some lasting record of these impressions for the sake of her grandchildren, the youngest of whom is one year old...

As one who once taught English, and especially because she loved her grandchildren, Jane was outraged that any politician who would cut back cancer treatment options for social security recipients, who would invade a foreign country and then expect her grandchildren to pay the bills, could claim to be a "compassionate conservative." Once he became the nominee, she saw John Kerry as the candidate who would most conserve everything she valued. Jane fought to live long enough to be able to vote this November. To honor her memory, please do everything you can to elect John Kerry.

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