The Darfur Foundation, creator of the piece, writes: "As we light the wall, we acknowledge the importance of each life lost, we cast light upon a tragedy too many have ignored, and we overcome one barrier to peace."
Earlier: "The Darfur Meme" and "With Darfur in 'free fall,' can Congress transcend partisanship?"
Another way to help: This afternoon I interviewed Dr. Ellen Kennedy, a sociology and anthropology professor who oversees the University of St. Thomas' Genocide Intervention Network chapter (more on her interview soon). She told me of the "Ten-for-Ten" program: instead of receiving Christmas gifts this year, students are asking ten relatives to give $10 each to the national GI-Net office. If you'd like to give the "gift of safety" to civilians in Darfur, send your (tax deductible) gift to:
Genocide Intervention Network
"Ten for Ten" Campaign
1333 H Street NW
Washington, DC 20005,
1 comment:
Thanks for your post, Paul.
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