
Video: Minnesota Artists for Equality

Minnesota artists put out a video urging voters to stand against the proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, which will be on the ballot next year. Learn more at the all-volunteer group Minnesota Artists for Equality.

(Thanks, Kelsey.)


  1. Whose equality?3:22 PM

    Ugh, Harvey Milk would've hated this. They don't have the guts to actually say WHOSE equality they are fighting for, or WHAT rights are being denied.

    It's about the dignity and worth of GAY and LESBIAN Minnesotans who are currently denied the fundamental human right to MARRY the person they love. Avoiding those words -- gay, lesbian, marriage -- makes this video look weak, like they're afraid of saying what they stand for.

    The "no" ad campaign better be a lot better than this if it's going to prevail.

  2. Thanks for the mention, Paul. We are reaching out to artists across the state to become Artist Volunteers by signing up on our database. We appreciate your help is touching base with more people!
