Metro Magazine's annual Metro 100 edition -- to be launched with a big party in Northeast Minneapolis tonight -- features a nice array of "community builders" who are making "the idea of rallying seem cool in order to draw more people to their cause." I think they're on to something. I've felt this a few times in the past year or so -- as I've watched Solutions Twin Cities (co-founded by Colin Kloecker, who's #38 on the Metro list) grow and the West Bank Social Center (#28) take off, attended Common Room (#30, curated by artist Andy Sturdevant, #39) at the Soap Factory, or interviewed the organizers of Save Canvas (#32). It seems like we're seeing a creative growth spurt in the Twin Cities -- and I'm happy to take part.
Thanks to Metro for including my Twitter feed (#36), along with that of WCCO's Jason De Rusha (#37), as "local art-happy Twitterers worth your time," and for using my Save Canvas photo.
yeah! go paul...