A snippet on his thinking about living off the grid while making music in a digital age:
I’ve always been drawn to music that sounds like it’s moving backwards and forwards at the same time. I think my obsession with polyrhythms stems from this need to reconcile elements of life that move at vastly different rates. Not to be too grandiose about it, but our collective future seems to hinge on finding a balance between the world we create with technology and the natural world we evolved from. I think music is a great way to investigate the more spiritual side of this dilemma. We try to find the best of both worlds, and imagine ways they can coexist.Zammuto, pictured above, sort of, in a self-portrait outside his studio/woodshed, plays the Walker Nov. 10, 2012. Read the full interview or listen to his new album.
Thanks for this. The Books are absolutely one of the most innovative and intellectually interesting bands of the last decade, and deserve much, much more attention.
good blog
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