J.G. Posada image from the book Calaveras: Mexican Prints for the Day of the Dead, Redstone Press
• At Guernica, Susie Linfeild asks, "Would Americans have reacted less violently to our most disturbing day if we’d been allowed to see photographs of its most disturbing aspects?" -- specifically, photos of those who jumped from the Twin Towers on 9/11.
• The woman who attacked an Enrique Chagoya print at the Loveland (Colo.) Museum/Gallery pleaded not guilty to the charge of criminal mischief, a class-four felony that, if convicted, could mean a prison stay of up to six years. The works showed Jesus in sexual positions, but the artist -- who is offering to create an image of Christ for the woman's church -- said the image is "not Christ. It is my way of saying that something precious got corrupted."
• Saturday synched: "The Simultania Project is about having different people from all over the world film the same 1-minute-moment in time on Saturday, November 13, and then assembling the resulting footage into a video installation that plays back all the simultaneous perspectives together and in sync."
• Minneapolis' Aesthetic Apparatus designs Cake's new album cover. Via MnSpeak.
• ArtReview's "Power 100" list is out, but don't read it without this handy guide, which comes in the form of charts.
• Photo backstory: A banner at the Metrodome touts the Minnesota National Guard as "Minnesota's First Line of Defense." But defense against whom? The photo features Guard members as they were deployed against protesters at the 2008 Republican National Convention.
• An Urban Outfitters 2010 holiday preview features no products, only photos of Christmas trees by Alec Soth.
• The Statue of Liberty is reportedly struck by lightning some 600 times each year. Here's one rare photo of it.
• And, finally, your moment of Duchamp urinal tattoo.
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