Street artist Selon in Goiânia, Brazil
• The New Yorker's profile of Ai Weiwei is reserved for subscribers, but the magazine offers a 3-minute clip of a forthcoming documentary on the Chinese artist.
• Tonight in Minneapolis: As part of ROLU's Scattered Light exhibition at Art of This, join a discussion, dubbed RECESS: Seminars Toward Creative Action, tonight at 8. Participating are Ceri Meyers (doctoral candidate in contemporary art history), Volkan Isler (professor of computer science) and David Horvitz (artist and part of asdf, creators of Scattered Light), who has prepared a statement but won't be present.
• The new StreetMuseum iPhone app uses geo-tagging and Google Maps to combine city scenes from works in the Museum of London's collection with the actual locations they depict.
• David Byrne on why he's suing Florida Gov. Crist's campaign for unauthorized use of the Talking Heads' "Road to Nowhere": "I still believe songs occasionally mean something to people — they obviously mean something personal to the writer, and often to the listener as well. A personal and social meaning is diluted when that same song is used to sell a product (or a politician). If Crist and his campaign folks had asked to use the song, I would have said no."
• A troubling photo of Israelis (and maybe Americans) taunting a Palestinian woman evicted from her Jerusalem home by Jewish settlers.
• The Park(ing) Day meme hits Paris. Behold: I Park Art. Via Social Design Notes.
• Hacked iPad ads.
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