John Morefield's booth at the Ballard Farmer's Market, Seattle. Photo: Jim Bovino
• Falling on tough times, out-of-work Seattle architect John Morefield decided to get entrepeneurial: He set up a stand at a farmer's market where passersby can ask him about home design and more. Half networking, half community service, it's also decent marketing. His story's been picked up by the New York Times, NPR, Media Bistro and others.
• Gilding the pierogi: Northeast Minneapolis artist wants to erect a sculptural homage to the Eastern European dumpling. Pricetag: Around $100k.
• Zanadesign's sand printer is a person-powered wheel that leaves a message -- in this case, a commemoration of Spain's 1812 constitution -- on the beach. Great idea, but how soon 'til Coke or Corona get hold of it?
• As part of the Toronto exhiition Public Realm, Broken City Labs created a series of fill-in-the-blank text-based projections raising questions about how we think about public space.
• @TheNassassin points out what looks like a fascinating new PBS series: Sound Tracks. The first episode includes Fela 2.0, Borat v. Kazakh musicians, and a look at the man behind Putin propaganda.
• As Jose Luis Rodriguez is accused of using a tame Iberian wolf in a shot that won a wildlife photography prize, the Financial Times reports that Moscow's stray dogs are becoming more wolf-like. (Moscow averages 84 strays per square mile!) Via @Shardlow.
• The BBC to air a film shot entirely by chimpanzees. Tune in Wednesday night; Dramamine recommended.
• Auto-tuning MLK.
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