San Suzie at C-Monster: "In Naples, even the street art depicts gory acts of martyrdom."
• Stephen "The Art of Getting Over" Powers, interviewed by GLOB. A taste: "Q. If Tom Cruise made art what would it look like?" "A. hopefully paintings of the volcano on the cover of the dianetics book. maybe he’s a performance artist that puts a giant couch at 76 grand and jumps up and down on it for 30 days." (It, like all of them, are repeated questions; see how other New Yorkers answered.)
• The Winterhouse Awards for Design Writing & Criticism, an AIGA joynt, seeks to "increase the understanding and appreciation of design, both within the profession and throughout American life." Deadline: June 1.
• MAKE Magazine's Make Day is coming to the Science Museum of Minnesota, March 14.
• Via @mnstories, we learn that the Minneapolis Institute of Arts is reducing its staff by 6.1 % -- 11 full-timers and 8 part-timers. MIA director Kaywin Feldman will be taking a 10% cut in pay, and other senior staffers will see salary reductions as well. Read the MIA press release (pdf). Word from the Walker, meanwhile, is that there will be an institution-wide 10 percent budget cut; no details yet on how or if staffing levels will be affected.
• Paddy Johnson, doing a guest post at Art:21, introduces three activist artists you should know: Aaron Gach, Center for Tactical Magic, Jill Magid, System Azure and Carrie Moyer and Sue Schaffner, Dyke Action Machine.
• Pleased to meet you, Provisions Library.
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