A map of "Philippe Gonzalvez Island" via Strange Maps.
• MoMA has fired ad guy Doug Jaeger for authorizing Poster Boy to alter its ads in a Brooklyn subway station. As Gawker puts it, "MOMA has 'completely severed' its relationship with Jaeger, because he went and let this stupid artist mess up their perfectly good ads."
• "You never call, you never write..." Jackie Chan is tired of waiting for Hong Kong to respond to his request for a site to exhibit seven antique homes he owns (including one that's 480 years old). He's been asking for a decade, to no avail. When he asked Singapore officials if they were interested, they got back to him in a week.
• Following up my Art:21 post on Amy Franceschini's Victory Gardens project in San Franscisco, here's an in-depth interview with the artist in the Journal of Aesthetics & Protest. (Thanks, Kelly.)
• Paddy Johnson declares Art in America "officially relevant" for hiring former Curbed.com San Francisco editor Sarah Hromack as its managing editor for online. She's in turn brought in writers like Grammarpolice's Kriston Capps and Paul Laster of Artkrush. (Kriston has more.) My suggestion for giving them more relevance: Add RSS!
• The trailers for the documentary Brooklyn DIY (via updownacross) and for Art Spiegelman's new collection of sketchbooks, Be a Nose!
• A gallery of bad paintings of Barack Obama.
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