Justin Heideman's rendering of Spoonbridge and Cherry, Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen's Minneapolis icon, which will see its cherry disappear for refinishing next week.
• "Who is remembered? Who is mourned? Who is responsible? How do we, as artists, choose to respond?" The founder of IraqMemorial.org, Joseph DeLappe, is calling for artist submissions for a memorial to civilian casualties in Iraq. "Memorials exist for a variety of reasons: to create an opportunity for the contemplation of loss; to honour sacrifice; to celebrate heroism and to consecrate a process of mourning that is ongoing and public. This call for proposals for memorials to the thousands of innocents killed in Iraq is an effort to establish an opportunity for the creative community to conceptualize works that seek to recognize, reveal, and process the true cost of this war." Via Flavorpill.
• Video documenting Lawrence Weiner's The Crest of a Wave, the physical manifestation of the phrase, "a cloth of cotton wrapped around a horseshoe iron tossed upon the crest of a wave." Read more at Latitudes.
• Catherine Opie interviewed by nomorepotlucks (via Art Threat).
• "A Communications Primer," by Charles and Ray Eames. [via]
• Suggesting that the NEA's $50 million stimulus windfall is a pittance, Tyler Green has a suggestion: "The arts community should take a lesson from how policy is made in Washington, from the policy-driven infrastructure of the city. The first step: The arts should join Washington's think-tank culture."
• How a bookseller stumbled upon a rare "Keep Calm and Carry On" poster -- and into a career selling posters. While we're on the topic, could someone buy me a "Keep Calm and Carry On" rug?
• Your moment of Conchords: "Too many dicks on the dance floor." (Thanks, Ron.)
I can't find that Opie interview there... another link?
That's odd. The page is now empty, but here's the cache and Art Threat's version. (Changed above.)
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