There's got to be a better (i.e. less didactic) way to convey it -- say, spraying "But it was good for the economy" on smokestacks? -- but I like the message. Via Flickr user cam βizzy.
It's almost like some dark joke: whenever there's an oil spill or a smog alert people will shrug their shoulders and say, "meh, it's good for the economy."
Paul Schmelzer is a writer and editor in Minneapolis. Formerly managing editor of Walker Reader(2011–2020), the Walker Art Center's digital magazine, he is cofounder of The Ostracon, an art writing site created through funds from the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts and Creative Capital's Arts Writers Grant program; creator of Signifier, Signed; a former editor at Adbusters; and contributor to, Cabinet, Huffington Post, Hyperallergic, The Progressive, Raw Vision, Utne,and others.More >>
1 comment:
It's almost like some dark joke: whenever there's an oil spill or a smog alert people will shrug their shoulders and say, "meh, it's good for the economy."
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