
T-Paw sets Wonkette a-Twitter

Blogging the presidential campaign for TIME, founding (and now former) Wonkette editor Ana Marie Cox wound up in an airport waiting room beside Minnesota's main McCain man, Gov. Tim Pawlenty, on Sunday. She jotted down her thoughts using Twitter, which lets users post text-based "updates" to the web.

Her take on T-Paw?

BuzzMachine's Jeff Jarvis, who "heartily" recommends Cox's tweets, says it's "a medium made for her: the great ad lib, the beautiful bon mot, the sly snark."

Some of Cox's recent tweets:

Detroit, MI: McCain people interested in crowd numbers; plead for me to send intel from the Romnibus. I would but all crowds look alike. about 15 hours ago from txt

Myrtle Beach: Ron Paul has the voice of a sick cat. 09:01 PM January 10, 2008 from web

Who gave Fred Thompson a Red Bull? 08:57 PM January 10, 2008 from web

Charleston: First washing-of-underwear-in-sink of presidential cycle 2008! 07:09 PM January 09, 2008 from txt

Watching Fred Thompson talk about/look like death. 07:35 PM January 06, 2008 from txt

So, anyone know of Minnesota reporters, politicos or campaign-watchers who use Twitter?

1 comment:

Jason DeRusha said...

Julio Ojeda-Zapata of the Pi Press tweets (http://twitter.com/jojeda)

As do I (Jason DeRusha of WCCO) http://twitter.com/derushaj

Not sure if there's anyone else out there.