Aya Tsukioka says she got the idea for her new clothing line from the ninja, stealth martial artists who can blend into any surrounding. She's created a kimono that folds out to make a full-sized vending machine, inside which its wearer can hide; a purse that expands to a photorealistic manhole cover; a kids' backpack that mimics the design of a pay phone.

But the camo couture also speaks to a Japanese trait of laying low, rather than fighting back, as Americans might. "It is just easier for Japanese to hide," Ms. Tsukioka said. "Making a scene would be too embarrassing."

Her Survival Mosque is site-specific for the United States. The burka is covered with the stars and stripes, but a closer look reveals much more:
The mosque is self-sufficient; the prayer rug is supplying its own energy source via photo-voltaic solar cells. It also carries different liturgical and practical features such as washing solution for ablution and for cleaning when a Muslim get spit on, ear plugs against insults, American constitution proofing rights of American Muslims, weapons and amulets, a loud-speaker with speech on tolerance held by President George W. Bush, ablution slippers, Quran, educative books and diverse communication devices. The Survival Mosque can be transformed and camouflaged into interactive bags, which communicate with each other via blue-tooth technology. The bag-speakers reflect paranoia spreading messages regarding terrorism, but they can also function as muezzins; calling for prayer at particular prayer times.
NYT info on the Japanese artist's disguise fashions and their use in Japan was mostly BS. Zannen. Details:
The link doesn't suggest the Japanese designs are BS, just that they're 2 years old. And, I understand all Japanese people aren't cowering under fake Coke machines.
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