Milk Man sleeps on the roof in the noonBut as an elementary school drama and music teacher told "Weekend America," when she heard the song "Milkman" she had to use it for a project at North Haven Community School in Maine. Courtney Nalibof saw the connection immediately: both the band and her kids are extremely experimental with music. "When you listen to Deerhoof's music and you teach an elementary music class, you hear a lot of the same things," she said. "You hear a lot of really creative imagery. You hear a lot of non-sequiturs. And you hear a lot of sounds being made in ways you didn't know they could be made. I think there's a lot of crossover there."
Bana-na-na stabbed to the arms, weird man
Milk Man sneaks in the house under moon
Miracle words come to a mouth you may hear
...Milk Man smiles to you "Hi" in a nude
This banana stuck in my arms, oh my love
Stabbed to the arms, ooh-la-la
Yellow one
The result was Milk Man -- "part ballet, part surreal performance art, and part rock show" -- performed to sold-out crowds at the school in October 2006. (According to the project's website, Deerhoof's members made it to North Haven to offer pointers at rehearsals and see the shows: "They loved it!")
But isn't the story of a masked milkman who kidnaps kids and hides them in a clouds -- and has bananas sticking out of his armpits -- a bit... weird?
"They're a little creepy, Naliboff admits, but adds, "Maurice Sendak books are pretty creepy too, but kids like those too."
Here's a videoclip from the North Haven school's production, followed by a look at "Milk Man" performed by Deerhoof, who visit Minneapolis for an October 2 concert.
Listen to Weekend America's report on The Deerhoof Ballet (RealAudio).
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