Is this any way to honor the dead? To commemorate the 5th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, the National Collector's Mint is selling--for $29.95--
non-monetary pop-up coins depicting the World Trade Center:
This truly unique commemorative is created using two distinct struck pieces. First, a traditional round planchet is struck with frosted relief on a mirror-like background. Then, a magnificently engraved skyline featuring the Twin Towers is struck separately and fitted into the background. This World Trade Center skyline can be removed and inserted into a slot on the face of the commemorative. The effect is dazzling -- it is literally transformed into a standing sculpture of the Twin Towers!
That astounds me. It makes me wonder what's the designed purpose of the pop-up towers. Is to make the Twin Towers rise again (and again) from the ground? Or is to knock them down?
The only way that could be a more maudlin commemorative is if the coins were struck from World Trade Center metal.
oh wait.... it is.
The television commercial I saw said that the silver used in the coin is actual silver from GROUND ZERO! At first, I wondered if I was watching a satire on Mad TV or Saturday Night Live. No... this is for real. Unbelievable! I can't believe there isn't an uproar over
this disgusting capitalization of the World Trade Center disaster.
Quote: "I can't believe there isn't an uproar over this disgusting capitalization of the World Trade Center disaster."
Ummm ... have you done a search for 911 commemorative coins on the internet lately? If so, I guess they are all " disgusting capitalizations" too? Come one people, this commemorative is a unique idea and I see nothing wrong with symbolizing something that will be remembered forever in history. Busa@11K
Does the coin include a little silver airplane with which to topple the hinged silver WTC inset over and over again for maximum fun for the whole family?
you al need to lighten up its the thought that counts....you people that oppose it are probably the same idiots who support bush
I want to melt down WTC metal into a ring. anyone know where I'd find this?
Leave it up to some idiot to drag *bush* into this. What the hell does George BUSH have to do with this?
The reason this coin sucks isn't because it's overly patriotic or that it's capitalizing off of 9\11. It sucks because it's Kitsch, plain and simple. It's not even made of gold or silver, but is 'gold-clad'. Its unqualified tastelessness might perhaps be slightly overcome were there at least chocolate inside.
this is terrible. I lost 2 friends in september 11th and I don't want their ashes to be in some guys coin collection. Disgusting, distasteful, rude, and dishonorable.
What does Bush have to do with it?! Well...he and his war mongering cronies perpetrated the 9/11 attacks! There is an evil presence among us (whether it be alien or spiritual in nature) and it/they are destroying our planet! Nobody enjoys war, death, suffering...It isn't in our true nature! It is time to wake up, people! Take back your existence!
World Trade Center goes up, World Trade Center goes down. World Trade Center goes up, World Trade Center goes down.. I don't think I like this coin... :(
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