Here's an
important interview with CNN's Lara Logan, who debunks Bush and Cheney's recent allegation that the media is aiding terrorists in Iraq by reporting mainly the security concerns there instead of reconstruction stories. "Security dominates every single thing that happens in this country," she says, adding that the military tells the media they can't report the good news because it puts civilians at risk: report on a school opening, and insurgents will target the school; report on a new electrical facility and it'll be attacked. Further, reconstruction funds have been diverted to security, Iraqis say their chief concern is security, and US troops admit that's the bulk of their work as well.
She also takes rightwing talking head Laura Ingraham to task. Ingraham, from the comfort of a US studio, derides the media in Iraq for reporting from hotel balconies instead of getting out and speaking with locals, something Logan says is nearly impossible due to the security situation there. "It's an outrage to point the finger at journalists and say this is our fault... It shows an abject lack of respect for any journalist prepared to come to this country and risk our lives." Maybe the best part is Logan's response when told that Ingraham spent a mere eight days in the country.
I don't watch the Sunday talk shows much, but I did happen to catch this today, and thought Logan did a really nice job of defending the media against these politically-motivated charges. And I loved the way she positively sneered at the fact that Laura Ingram had spent 8 days in Iraq...
yeah, sneer is a good word. plus, ingraham is nothing but a partisan mouthpiece. i saw her when i snuck into a bush rally in st. paul, and she was the featured speaker. weak on facts, but heavy on vitriol. her as a critique of fair media is pretty laughable...
Oh, yeah -- Ingraham's a total Ann Coulter wannabe... how sad...
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