
Freudian politics: Seeing sex in a challenger's ad

NY mayoral candidate Fernando Ferrer's new campaign commercial has got aides in Michael Bloomberg's campaign hot (and/or bothered) under the collar. Called "Buddies," the spot ponders whether Bush and Bloomberg are a bit too cozy; according to the narrator, Bloomberg made the biggest donation in the history of the Republican Party—$7 million. The Hindustan Times, referencing a pay-only New York Post article, describes the spot:
While Bloomberg wears a suit, Bush sports a cowboy hat, a plaid shirt and a holster with a gun. They are bobbing up and down, when Bloomberg's right hand, which holds a wad of cash, moves up and down in a rhythmic motion below Bush's belt, as a grin crosses the president's face, and his arms and legs quiver momentarily.

Bloomberg then gives the money to the president and Bush's pistol goes off in celebration.

Stu Loeser, Bloomberg's campaign spokesman, claimed that the commercial clearly suggested that the mayor was performing a sex act on Bush.

The ad ends with Bush planting a big smooch on Bloomberg's cheek.
Might this be a bit of projection by sexually repressed Republicans who don't want to address the real facts of the spot? Decide for yourself.

Related: Santorum wants a three-way.

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