

Some quick links:

Creationists use star power: One way to up the legitimacy of "intelligent design" is to expand the definition of a scientific theory—to include astrology!

Bomb the hippies: On the same day antiwar marchers amassed in Washington DC, a half dozen bioterror sensors indicated high quantities of the deadly bacteria francisella tularensis concentrated around demonstration sites. Sploid ponders a very serious question: "Did Washington 'test' bioweapons on war protesters?"

Tears of a clown: Decrying the haters, chronic mudslinger Bill O'Reilly says the climate is America has changed, and it's hard on him: "Now it's so bad that I spend an enormous amount of money protecting myself against evil."

How corrupt is your country? Mine is the 17th least corrupt, according to Transparency International's 2005 Corruption Perceptions Index, which puts Chad and Bangladesh in a dead heat for most corrupt.

Good dog! The namesake of my border collie, lingust and activist Noam Chomsky, beat out Umberto Eco, Richard Dawkins, and Vaclav Havel to be voted world's top public intellectual by Prospect and Foreign Policy magazines.

Arrest warrants issued for US troops: When US troops shelled Baghdad's Palestine Hotel, well known as housing for international journalists, Spanish cameraman Jose Couso lost his life. Now a judge in Spain has issued an arrest warrant for Sgt. Shawn Gibson, Capt. Philip Wolford, and Lt. Col. Philip de Camp, crew members of the tank that killed Couso. Whether the Bush administration will allow true justice to prevail in Iraq is another matter...

More to come...


POVevolving said...

Your "bomb the hippies" link doesnt work....

Paul Schmelzer said...

fixed. thanks!

Anonymous said...

William Stanhope, associate director for special projects at the St. Louis University School of Public Health's Institute for Biosecurity, was interviewed on Tuesday 10.25 on the Pam Stone show, to further discuss the dangers of tularemia.
