Import the mysogynistic and violent allure of 50 Cent and Snoop Dogg to a country where there are no ghettos and social welfare programs are well-funded, but neo-Nazis are on the rise, and what do you get:
German gangsta rap that's embraced by the radical right. Thanks to Berlin-based rapper Bushido (left), and others like him, far-right rap is going mainstream in Germany. Some say nationalist, racist and mysogynist lyrics are just a nod to successful American music and a ploy to sell albums, but some German gangsta rap lyrics seem a little too edgy to be dismissed that easily. In one song, Bushido raps, "Salutiert, steht stramm, Ich bin der Leader wie A" ("Salute, stand to attention, I am the leader like 'A'"—with A standing for Adolf), and the rap collective called Mor once rapped that " Wack MCs" were sent to the "gas showers" and "children to the concentration camps." No wonder white, neo-Nazis are German rap's more ardent fans.
Earlier: How to spot a neo-Nazi.
yeah, ironic. bushido is half tunisian... far from the Aryan ideal of "A" he raps about.
"A" stands for "Azad". He is a german rapper from frankfurt.
straight up BULLSHIT!
No way Nazis gon support Bushido since he surrounds himself with immigrants only.
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