Correction: "The Marie Claire image found here is not in fact an example of censorship but rather a Photoshopped piece by Farhad Moshiri, originally published in Bidoun magazine (Winter 2005). Moshiri's work does, however, include some actual examples of censored magazines."Censors in Iran, writes
Carrie McLaren, altered this issue of
Marie Claire to give new meaning to the headline "
Why I love my little black dress": to conform to Islamic law, they filled in all the exposed skin, turning teeny cocktail dresses into burkas. Text accompanies each model, offering reasons such as "It makes my figure the main attraction" and "It releases my inner diva." The overview copy reads, in part:
Every Woman has one: that perfect, goes with anything number that turns out to be the ultimate weapon in her fashion arsenal.

Sometimes women themselves alter magazines to slip 'em past censors. Artist Emily Jacir made a piece a few years ago based on memories of airplane trips from Paris to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, during which her mother would
black out the exposed parts of female bodies in copies of
Vogue in order to bring them into the country. Using a marker to trace just the banned parts on vellum, Jacir's drawings represent "the space in between, a place where the image of woman is banned, and a place where the image of woman is objectified and commodified."
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