
TV can turn your four-year old into a bully: According to a study led by University of Washington economist Frederick Zimmerman, television can increase bullying in four-year olds, who are particularly susceptible to the violent messages of cartoons. NewScientist reports:
The study showed that four-year-olds who watched the average amount of television - 3.5 hours per day - were 25% more likely to become bullies than those who watched none. And children who watched eight hours of television a day were 200% more likely to become bullies.
The report also suggested effective alternatives to offset bullying: cognitive stimulation and parental emotional support. Duh:
It found that children whose parents regularly exposed them to ideas - by reading aloud or taking them to museums, for example - were a third less likely to become bullies, as were those whose parents provided them with emotional support - by eating meals together and talking.
While we're at it: TV Turnoff Week is April 25-May 1.


Jim R said...

I don't see how this is even remotely proof of causation.

Paul Schmelzer said...

It's about correlation: the research data shows a relationship between high TV viewership among 4-year olds with aggression. Did I say something about causation or, god forbid, proof?

Jim R said...

I meant that the researchers implied it, not you. Sorry for the confusion.