
Rummyvision: Arianna Huffington suggests programs for the Pentagon Channel--"Real World: Fallujah," "Pimp My Humvee"--while making a serious point: if the White House is behind GannonGuckertgate, pro-Bush VNRs, pay-per-view reporting by Armstrong Williams and his ilk, and the constructed news of Pvt. Jessica Lynch--can we trust them to run a TV channel?
DoD television execs (there's a new phrase) say Pentagon Channel viewers can expect programming that is "a mix between CNN and C-SPAN"--combining military news and lifestyle shows with live coverage of military briefings, speeches by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Congressional appearances by The Man himself, Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld.

So fire up those TiVos, disinformation fans; Rummy TV is coming soon to a flat screen near you. "If you hate the truth, you'll love DoD TV!"

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