
Nader on corporatism and conservatism: "Just as progressives have been abandoned by the corporate Democrats and told,'You got nowhere to go other than to stay home or vote for the Democrats,' this is the fate of the authentic conservatives in the Republican Party," says Ralph Nader in an American Conservative interview with Pat Buchanan. Referencing "the giant corporation in the White House masquerading as a human being named George W. Bush," Nader tries to lure true conservatives to his candidacy. And his logic's not half-bad:
I once said to Bill Bennett, “Would you agree that corporatism is on a collision course with conservative values?” and he said yes.

The impact of giant corporations, commercialism, direct marketing to kids, sidestepping parents, selling them junk food, selling them violence, selling them sex and addictions, selling them the suspension of their socialization process—years ago conservatives spoke out on that, but it was never transformed into a political position. It was always an ethical, religious value position. It is time to take it into the political arena.
(Thanks, John K.)

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